Safety Tips & Updates:
Stay informed through local alerts and air quality control guidelines.
Please remember to wear a mask if you need to go outside.

Emergency Preparedness Quick Checklist
Prayer & Support: Our prayer line and counseling team are available to offer comfort and guidance
3-day supply of non-perishable food
Evacuation route map
Change of clothes & extra glasses/contacts
Necessary medications
Flashlight & batteries
Copies of important documents
Pet food & water
24 hr. Prayer Request | (323) 998-9376
Live Noon Prayer | (425) 436-6329 *329781#
Counseling Center | (323) 737-7463
West Angeles Church | (323) 733-8300
Heavenly Father,
We pray for peace and protection during this difficult situation. Please guide and protect those affected, especially those who have lost homes and loved ones. Watch over the first responders and officials who are working tirelessly to help. Grant us wisdom and strength in this time of crisis.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
God bless you, and we love you.
Pastor Charles Blake, II